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The Paradox of Alechemizing Toxic Masculine Energy

The very reason the masculine energy has been toxic for the last few thousand years is the very fact that the feminine was shunned.  In order for the masculine energy to return to its benevolent manifestation, it needs to once again embrace the feminine.  The feminine...

Please Ladies, take your sweet Time!

Please, ladies, take your sweet time! Hello, my beautiful ladies!  I just want to remind you, that when you are dating, you can take your time. There is no rush.  It is best you take your time. To really get to know someone, step by step. Before you invest your...

You gave me back my Balls

You gave me back my balls. Is what a client (a guy of course) said to me recently. Maybe one of the biggest compliments for my professional services I have ever received? The Western civilization does not have many role models to show for when it comes to embodied,...

Sometimes it is the other way around

I do think that sometimes it is the other way around. Therapists and coaches often take the stance, that first, you have to love yourself (completely) and only then is it safe and prudent to get involved with another person in a romantic relationship. And although...

What does a Boing 777 and a Woman have in common?

What does the cockpit of a Boeing 777 and a Woman have in common? To a man’s mind, a woman’s emotional life (and how to relate to it) and the cockpit of a Boeing 777 looks about as terrifying. So much so, that they often like to run the other way. Have you ever felt...

How do you know if a Man is hurting?

How do you know a man is hurting? Women often don’t know. Just the other day, one of my lady clients told me that she only just really got, how she has hurt men, and that she is just having an epiphany of how men indeed have feelings. She has been too focused on how...