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The Miracle of Deep Communication

I wonder if there is already existing terminology for a physiological phenomenon I experience when communicating with someone deeply.  When I am in a conversation where I truly hear and understand the person (to the best of my ability) and I feel heard and understood,...

An Ode and Plead to Men

Dear Men, We need you. Please rise.  We need you to rise into your healthy masculine energy.  The divine masculine energy.  The masculine energy that naturally is drawn to protecting and holding the divine feminine, like the riverbanks hold the river. We need to flow....

Traverse the Terrain Of Relationship

What if you were able to traverse the terrain of relationship with flying colors, and partner up with an other human being in outmost trust, loyalty, and unconditional love? What if you were able to transcend all the downward pulling emotions, the struggles and...

Tips for Women on How to Communicate with Men

This video is for you, if you are a women who would really like for a man to get you, as in really understand and hear you. This video will give you some tips on how you can communicate with a man in such a way that he feels inspired and motivated to come towards you...

Tips for Men on How to Communicate with Women

This video is for men and would like to understand better how to communicate more effectively with a woman. In this video you can learn how to reach a woman, even when she is emotional, and create connection. And if you are a woman, it might help you to understand...