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I would like to share with you three crucial keys to making your dating and relationships successful and enjoyable.
As you know, I help sensitive and spiritual women find love and keep love.
I grew up in an emotionally abusive environment where my feelings and emotional needs were not met. The only way I could be seen by my mother, was if I agreed to her very negative perception of me.
I grew up, having a very negative perception of myself, had no idea of what my feelings were let alone did I have a clue of how important they were for me to develop happy and healthy relationships.
A few decades later I lost my ability to speak and my verbal communication was reduced to a whisper. The doctors told me I will never get my voice back–and as you can hear, I was successful at proving them wrong.
However, it was a ten-year arduous journey of finding any healing approach and modality to help get my voice back.
Now that I do have my voice back, and I know how important it is to be heard, seen and validated in what we feel and need in order to have great relationships,I have dedicated my life to usher in the new paradigm of relationships.
One where we are deeply connected, and also feeling tremendously free to expand into who we truly are.
And I am inviting you on this sacred journey with me, to restore and rebalance so that you too can have the most fulfilling, nurturing and uplifting relationship.
One of the three essential elements of creating a heartache-free, enjoyable and successful dating process is to bring back the truly feminine part of you.
Awaken the divine feminine energy in you, so you can connect deeply with yourself and others, feel deeply, and love deeply. We are emerging from a few thousand years of brutal patriarchal suppression and abuse, and need to find our ways back, to where we can honor the sacred feminine, as well as recognize the sacred masculine and build a bond that is rooted in deep respect, trust and emotional intimacy.

The second key, is that we need to learn that men are not women in male bodies. They think and feel very differently from women, and are motivated and disheartened by events and words that we, as women, are often not aware of. So we simply need to learn, what was the original divine feminine design to begin with, and what was the divine masculine design to begin with; and then discover, the tremendous deliciousness that ensues when they connect while mutually honoring their actual nature.

Thirdly, like with all things we wish to manifest in our lives, we need to design it first. If we do not design it consciously, it will be designed for us and that might not always be to our liking.What sort of energy and feeling do you want your relationship to be infused with?How do you want to feel about yourself, your life, your future, your body as a result of being in that relationship? Because yes, an intimate relationship does deeply affect us in all ways, including how we feel about all of the fore mentioned. What sort of life do you want to live? What future do you want to create for yourself and those around you? For the world? And what sort of relationship would you need to be in so you can properly dedicate yourself to creating that?These are but 3 keys of many, to creating a great and promising future with your beloved.