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Naturally, it is true that most women, or maybe all women, have been hurt by a man or many. And when we then start to view men as the perpetrators, we loose in the dating arena before we get started.

How would you speak to a man differently, if you knew he had been deeply hurt by a woman or many before you? How would you engage in a conversation with him? What curiosity and gentleness might you be able to bring to the table?

And what boundaries would you need to feel certain of within yourself, that would make you feel safe? Because if you don’t have boundaries that will keep you very safe in the dating arena, you won’t be relaxed, you won’t be able to enjoy it, and it just won’t be fun. And you might get hurt, again.

That is the sort of things we learn and practice in the sacred circle of relationships-so we can form new and cultivate old relationships into blossoming.