Well no, they don’t. But they do. Really. Let me explain.
There is tremendous wisdom and power in our natural cycles, our natural rites of passage, embedded in nature.
Having babies and giving birth is part of nature. Even if modern medicine and politics might deem otherwise, it still, really is.
What I find quite fascinating, is that within every birth, each one is absolutely and entirely unique, lies the encoded manual on how to be with that particular baby and how to raise it. Yes, it is.
Let me explain.
Or maybe better, let me illustrate.
The world is changing whether we agree with it or not. It may look like it is because of one man’s agenda, or another. It may look like the world is going down a rabbit hole, somewhat spinning out of control.
But it is not. The frequency of earth herself is changing, due to cosmic cycles, whether or not we have any political agendas or not, whether there are pandemics, lockdowns or any other massive changes to how we do life, whether we agree with it or not, whether we like it or not. Change is happening all around us, that much we know now.
Our bodies, of course are made up of earth as well, and we too are changing rapidly. And that is not always so comfortable. It can feel downright scary and terrifying at times. If not scary, then definitely confusing.
We can get on board and go along with the changes that are upon us, or we can resist and hold onto what we know. And…..we all know what happens when we don’t go along inevitable change. It gets very, very messy.
Maybe you have been feeling disoriented?
Or maybe you are super eager to go with the flow and change and change and change, every day anew.
I would like to offer you an invitation. An invitation to consider going on an intimate journey, where you get to learn a whole new way of attuning to mother earth and nature. Learn new ways of hearing her, such that you can yet again feel oriented, safe, and clear in the midst of what might feel or look like senseless chaos.
Did you know that inherent within chaos is the information of the new reality that wants to emerge? Fascinating thought.
I take individuals, one at a time, on deep voyages into their own relationship with mother nature. We can do this in person on my farm in upstate New York, we can do this in Ireland, we can do this in Iceland, or really anywhere else in the world that you wish to do this deep dive.
You will learn how to hear her again, you will remember how to listen to her, you will re-discover a new way of feeling grounded and safe in this fast-moving world.
You will receive an initiation from mother earth herself, so that you can evolve alongside with her in a harmonious way, chartering utterly virgin territory.
We are called to finding new ways of taking care of ourselves, each other, and the beautiful planet we have the privileged to call our home.
We are invited to emerge from our slumber and take the reins into our own hands and forge new pathways of harmonious thriving. But how?
Ushering in the New World Invitation
If you feel that you are a bit at a loss of how to find your footing, what direction to go in or even how to lead your family, business or at a job, this may be just the right thing for you.