Stella ran down into the kitchen, getting things ready to send her kids off to school as she does every morning. When she hit her small toe on the post that has been holding up the ceiling since she bought the house, she screamed. And then, she kept on screaming, and screaming, because; she was simply sick and tired of it all.
Stella is a beautiful woman and accomplished leadership coach. You can say she had her act together. BUT…..nothing was going her way. Nothing in her life had the feeling of being in the flow, of being in harmony with the universe. And she was tired of her life feeling like an uphill battle, day after day after day after day.
She came to me because she wanted clarity. She wanted to find out how to get back into the flow, where it would feel like she is on a lovely boat, sailing down a gentle, generous and beautiful river, watching a beautiful scenery.
I was able to share with her what her soul identity was, what her divine gifts were and how that best translates into her work as a coach, as a mom and as a leader in her community. And low and behold, we identified that she had boxed up some of her divine gifts, and shoved them under the bed. Not in use. Covered with dust bunnies.
Using the divine gifts that she had “retired”, because she deemed them un-useful, held the key to her success, her ability to get back into the flow of life and her happiness.
Together we identified strategies on how she can integrate standing in her divine gifts in her work life and her home life. As a mother of three, that was equally if not more important then her job. The more she did this, the more she came back to life. Her life force responded immediately; it rushed in, filled her with joy and enthusiasm and gave her that sweet sense of purpose and direction.
There is goodness in all of us. There is a shining light in all of us. With a little help, we can align to that and shine brighter and brighter and make our lives work better, and uplift those around us all at once.
I am here for you.