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Move into deep alignment with your true essence and create harmony in your world and the world around you.

Manifestation Breakthrough 3Day Workshop

Want it Faster? Compress the entire Four-month experience into a 3 Day Workshop and create the life changing shifts immediately.

To find out more about this workshop and whether this is the right fit for you, schedule a complimentary heart to heart chat here…

  • Have you ever desired to manifest things in your life easily without having to drudge yourself through all the unpleasant activities to get there?
  • Have you ever longed to just wake up in the morning and know things were going to go as planned or better?
  • Do you know that your career, finances and love life could feel so much in flow than they do now, yet figuring out how, feels elusive?

I created this workshop for you!

This Manifestation Breakthrough Workshop guides you to:

  • Create a life that works for you; so that what you’re doing feels joyful and in flow, rather than difficult and an uphill battle.
  • Move into vibrational resonance with what really matters to you so it can manifest with ease.
  • Resolve and release unconscious blocks to your success and financial abundance and move into a state of flow.
  • As you may already have experienced, life is simply better and more fulfilling when you find your “sweet spot” and align with that. That is the primary outcome of this workshop.

This workshop is designed to generate:

  • Permanent and profound shifts in your relationship with your ability to manifest with ease, with money, success and the universe.
  • Dissolve deep-seated patterns that keep you in a “hard-working” relationship with what it is you desire in life.
  • A new approach to life, where you are in “flow” with you your surroundings and your goals, rather than in struggle.

This workshop is for:

  • Change-makers, artists and purpose driven leaders who are ready to do very deep, emotional, and transformative inner work.Those who have already had or have scheduled a Soul Identity Reading prior to the event.
  • Those who have been invited. This workshop is by invitation only because this retreat is a sacred collaboration, and it is essential that the people in the room are a good match for me and for each other.

To find out more whether this workshop is for you or not,

please schedule a complimentary heart to heart chat.